"Sons de Resistência" (Sounds of Resistance) stands as one of the latest bold project from Luis Bittencourt, showcasing his ongoing commitment to pushing creative boundaries. In today's globalized, interconnected world, marked by diverse social issues and forms of oppression, practices of resistance emerge as vital threads of dissent, challenging the status quo and prevailing norms that govern societal life.
In this context, music and art serve as powerful tools to penetrate the depths of the human psyche, offering a sanctuary from oppression and fostering resilience. They possess the unique ability to transcend institutional barriers and conventional structures, prompting critical reflection and alternative interpretations.
Bittencourt's project embodies a call to resist the barriers that segregate people and cultures, to defy the oppression of identities, and to confront the injustices and complexities of the contemporary world through artistic expression. Whether crafting melodies with conventional instruments or repurposing everyday objects like wooden pallets or plastic bags, he demonstrates the transformative potential of art in challenging dominant aesthetic norms and blurring the lines between musical and non-musical sounds, noise, and other forms of creative expression.